Friday, February 26, 2021

Hormone Health (Men)


Normally, I am of the belief that what is good for the goose is good for the gander. Health is universal- we ALL need more water, eat more veggies, and get enough exercise… At this point, you know the drill. However, when it comes to our hormones, we are drastically different, we men and women. Men have a 24-hour cycle, women have a 28-DAY cycle. Men are controlled by testosterone, and women are estrogen and progesterone ran. (Although both genders also have all 3, they are obviously in different quantities.)

            A “one-size-fits-all” mentality doesn’t work in this scenario, as we are so drastically different: the times of day we have our biggest spike of energy or when we are the most mentally productive, the list goes on! So, this week we are going to do things a little differently and addressing each properly, so you can get the best information to suit your body!

Testosterone, the hormones tasked with the job in essentially all things “manly”. It’s the hormone that builds muscle, creates a deep voice, erections and sex drive, and is in charge of facial hair production. Fun fact: testosterone is also classified as an anabolic steroid and is what helps build bigger and stronger muscles and improve overall physical performance.  


Supports a healthy Endocrine System - Learn More

            Like the circadian rhythm, men also have a 24-hour hormonal cycle. The testosterone levels vary throughout the day. Testosterone levels are the highest in the morning and the peter off throughout the day. Eating most of your calories, getting your big workouts in and completing your biggest projects in the morning and early afternoon when you have those prime testosterone levels can be components of a very productive day.

As your testosterone levels dwindle during the day, you may find yourself just more lethargic in the evenings and this is perfectly normal; so if you can find the best ways to biohack your body by rearranging your schedule to get those big goals knocked out of the way in the morning, you may find that suddenly your more productive and noticing better results. Your body will replenish those levels in the evening and over-night when you sleep. Alissa Vitti, with MyFLo, even stated during an interview with Dr. Emily, host of Sex with Emily, that things like late night sex may actually be kind of detrimental to your next day as all that testosterone that could have been used for the next day has been spent.

            It may sound a little far-fetched, trying to rearrange your schedule to be respective of your testosterone levels. Your after-work gym sessions may be working just fine, or you don’t have the ability to go at 6am; but just like we talked in Week 4-6 with the gut flora and how important it is to eat to feed your probiotics, if you pay attention and respect these “little” things that actually control way more of your body than you’d think, your body may react in amazing ways you never knew were possible, just by making these tiny tweaks. 

 Supports Healthy Hormone Production - Learn More

            So how do you keep those testosterone levels in check and why is it important. Well let’s start with what happens when you don’t have high enough levels. Fatigue, low sex drive, thinning hair, or even loss of muscle could be indicators that you have a hormonal imbalance and too low of testosterone levels. On the other hand, if you have too much testosterone that can also be a problem! If you look at body builders who are taking steroids or lots of supplements, their muscles may be getting bigger but so is the amount of adult acne they may be having. Acne along with dramatic mood swings, increased breast tissue, and lowered sperm count can also be signs of too much testosterone.

Now the great thing is, there are natural ways to get back into balance! Working out is actually a fantastic way to regulate your hormones, especially if you have the availability to workout in the morning when your hormone levels are at their highest! Rudy Mawer, MSc wrote a piece stating that eating enough of all of your macros (proteins, carbs and fats), minimizing stress, plenty of sunshine and sleep can all help moderate your testosterone levels.

The really cool things about the suggestions he makes is that these all work with everything we have been talking about for the last 23 weeks! Keeping your health in check and taking proactive steps in all of these other aspects of your life will simultaneously help to keep your hormones balanced and helping you really be in that masculine energy and space! 


 Watch Hormone And Endocrine System Video

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