Monday, November 23, 2020

Why Are You Taking Vitamins?


“Be sure to take your vitamins and minerals” we have been told ad nauseum since we were little. It’s sound advice, but why? Why exact are vitamins so important, and what benefit do we get from taking them?

               Let’s start with enzymes, which regulate chemical reactions in the body (without changing itself), and co-enzymes, which are either vitamins or have derived from vitamins. According to Biology Dictionary, a coenzyme is an organic non-protein compound that binds with an enzyme to catalyze a reaction.

               These enzymes are vital for the digestive system, DNA replication, respiration, muscle and nerve reactions. Creative Enzymes states: Enzymes catalyze all kinds of chemical reactions that are involved in growth, blood coagulation, healing, diseases, breathing, digestion, reproduction, and many other biological activities. On biological aspects, enzymes are instrumental substances to many functions in living organisms. So why is this important to know? Simply put, without co-enzymes to act as a catalyst to create a reaction within the enzyme, the enzymes cannot work. No vitamins, no breathing. (That may be a little bit of an exaggeration, but the point remains.)

               Now that we have a little backstory on the importance of vitamins, what do you actually need to be taking? There are the basic B-Complex vitamins, which consist of Vitamin B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, Niacin, Folic Acid, Biotin and Vitamin C. Other important vitamins to take are Vitamin C, E, A, D and K.

               To further break down what each vitamin is good:

               Thiamine: Take B1 for energy as it converts carbohydrates into usable energy. When you have a low supply of B1 you will often feel tired, irritable or have muscle fatigue.

               Riboflavin: B2 is also good for converting carbs and proteins into energy. A B2 deficiency goes much further than tiredness however, as the symptoms can include reproductive problems, edema, mouth lesions, hair loss and much more.

               Pantothenic Acid: B5 is a terribly important vitamin to take daily, as it is necessary for making blood cells. Although a deficiency is rare it can lead to stomach pain, irritability, insomnia amongst other symptoms.

Pyridoxine HCI: A lack of B6 can lead to anemia and in turn can lead to other blood problems including PMS and heart problems. But when taking B6 on a regular basis it can in turn help all of those same blood problems.

Cyanocobalamin: B12 is another vitamin that plays an important role in red blood cell formation. It also plays a beneficial role in helping prevent the degradation of muscle and bone tissue. B12 can also aid in hair and nail growth. Like many of the other vitamins, a B12 deficiency can lead to depression and irritability, but other signs may be yellowish tinged skin, mouth ulcers and vision problems.

D-Biotin: Biotin is most commonly known for it’s aid in hair and nail growth as it rebuilds tissue and aids in cell growth. When your body is deficient in Biotin, your hair can start thinning and your skin can develop rashes around the eyes, mouth and nose.

Folic Acid: Folic is especially important for women trying to conceive as a lack strong deprivation of folic in the mother can lead to a cleft palate in newborn babies. Without enough folic, it’s not uncommon to feel incredibly tired and have little energy. Folic Acid aids in the production and maintenance of new cells.

Niacinamide: If for nothing else than comfort, it’s important to take Niacin regularly as a deficiency can lead to lesions on the face and body, pain and swelling of orifices, and digestive problems. When taking Niacin often, it can be an anti-inflammatory aid and is fantastic for your skin.

Ascorbic Acid: Honestly, there are few things Vitamin C isn’t good for. It’s a collagen booster, a skin protectant, it’s a fantastic immunity aid, it’s good for your heart and maintaining healthy blood, and it can help to protect your brain. It’s also very important for pregnant women to take Vitamin C, as both her and baby need it! Scurvy; skin, hair and nail problems, joint discomfort, and so much more can all be side effects of a lack of Vitamin C. 


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               Be wary of vitamins that sell you, say 1000% of your daily recommended dosage, however. If they are astronomically high, it’s not because your body is getting that much more of a dosage, it’s because they have had to put so much into the product for your body to be able to absorb any amount.

               Take Vitamin C for example. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, so any amount your body does not absorb will be flushed out in urine. Also, your body can only assimilate about 2000mg of Vitamin C a day. So, if you take 3000mg because you’re feeling sick, although it’s good to take the high dosage to help with a cold, your body will be flushing a good portion of that without every using that above and beyond amount.

               Another thing to be conscientious of it taking any vitamins that come in a gummy form. If you look on the label, most gummy “vitamins” are chock full of sugars, pectin and “natural flavors”. Fun tidbit, the FDA’s definition of natural flavors means the flavor has to originate from something that was once living, so therefore its quote-on-quote natural. (You can read more on that here). Healthy…

Long story short, if you want to have energy, look healthy and just feel happy- take your stinkin vitamins! 


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Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Liver Stregth


We discussed a few weeks ago why it was so important to detoxify our livers and the key rolls it plays in so many functions (look back to week 8 if we need a quick refresher)- so this week we are going to talk about how to strength it now that we have flushed it of toxins.

And let me tell you, as I was doing research for this week’s topic I ran across an article stating that coffee is actually good for your liver, as it helps to reduce fat buildup as well as create good antioxidants as well (which as we learned last week are super important to help avoid free radicals running rampant and causing havoc). I am very excited by this information and figured I would share, because what is the point of eating healthy if we can’t be excited about it?!

Along with coffee, this article by Medical News Today, also states that: oatmeal, green tea, plant foods (think berries, garlic, grapes, avocados…), and fatty fish are all fantastic to maintain a healthy liver. Now, the best part about this, if you’ll think back over the last few months- most of these all have alternative health benefits too. Berries are chockful of antioxidants; garlic is food for your probiotics and grapes are fruits and help give you energy throughout the day!

One of the main functions of the liver is the production of bile, which is a digestion aid. Not only does it help aid digestion, but bile also collects and removes toxins from the body. An impaired liver can mess with bile production and excretion, in turn leading to a buildup of those pollutants in our body- and if we’ve said it once, we’ve said it a dozen times: A buildup in the body of any waste material leads to that low grade chronic inflammation and BOOM health problems. It’s a vicious cycle, but one that can be helped and aided by a preemptive maintenance! 

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Milk Thistle is one of the best-known liver health aids. Along with daily support, milk thistle can also help with cirrhosisjaundicehepatitis, and gallbladder disorders. Silymarin, the main active ingredient in milk thistle, is an anti-inflammatory as well as an antioxidant, according to WebMD. By taking a daily dose of Milk Thistle, not only will you support your liver’s health, but you can simultaneously help fight the free radicals floating about and fight inflammation!

If we have learned nothing else so far, there is not a single organ or system we have that is isolated. If one organ starts having problems, the health of the rest of our body starts to notice a change as well. This can be a con, but it can also be a plus. When you start eating healthy for one outcome, say a healthier liver, you are simultaneously giving your body the nutrients it needs to feel better, sleep more soundly, and function at optimum levels. 


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