Tuesday, October 5, 2021

The Power Of Yarrow


Menelaus was a proud warrior king of Spartan and husband to his prized wife, Helen. Helen was considered the most beautiful mortal in the world and was praised not only for her beauty but was also the daughter of Zeus, the god of the sky and thunder, and was the god of gods. Helen’s Husband Menelaus was a very powerful king and would stop at nothing to protect his name, fortune, and fame of being the husband of the most beautiful woman on earth and sun in-law to Zeus, the god of gods.

However, according to legend, Aphrodite the goddess of love, beauty, and pleasure promised Helen to Paris, the son of King Priam and the prince of Troy. Because a God had promised this married woman to Paris, this was justified to betray her husband Menelaus love. Helen was then seduced by Paris and brought to Troy without her husband’s acknowledgment or permission. Furious, his wife has left him for another prince, Menelaus sends his brother Agamemnon to Troy to recover and win back his prized wife. When this offer was refused, a brutal war broke out between the Greeks and Trojans that would last a decade.

Dragged into this love affair were two powerful kingdoms with powerful warriors. On the Greece side was the brother of King Menelaus, Agamemnon a proud and intimidating warrior who led a thousand ships to Troy to recover Helen. This earned her the name “Helen - the face that launched a thousand ships”. Another great warrior and leader on the Greeks side was, Achilles. Achilles was the son of Thetis and Peleus the king of Phthia, a city in Thessaly. Agamemnon (the king’s brother) held his reputation as powerful warrior and war leader very personal and intimidated Achilles to make sure his position of power was not to be threatened.  Achilles was easily intimidated by Agamemnon and left the war in Troy to avoid any conflicts.

At Home, Achilles urged and convinced one of his closest friends, Patroclus to go to Troy and fight in honor for Greece. Because Achilles had no intent to cause conflict with the intimidating Agamemnon and had no use for his well-known copper armor, he gives it to Patroclus who takes it to battle in Troy.

On the Troy side, there was Hector. A prince, leader, and great warrior who fought and killed many of the Greeks in defending Troy. One unforgivable day in battle Hector crosses paths with Patroclus disguised in Achilles’ famous armor. Hector battles Patroclus under the false impression that he is fighting the famous warrior, Achilles. After Killing Patroclus, Hector removes the Armor to claim victory on Achilles only to find it was Patroclus he had killed.

Word gets back home to Achilles that his close friend had been killed by Hector. Achilles, upset and distraught is convinced by his mother to go back to Troy and fight for Greece. His mother gives him an ultimatum that will course his path, “Go fight in Troy, you will be remembered and honored for generations. Or stay home, live a fruitful and long life, but will be forgotten by all.” Achilles chooses to go fight in Troy and reclaim his name as a war hero. When arriving to the battles of Troy, Achilles challenges Hector outside the Troy’s gates and kills prince Hector in honor of his friend Patroclus.


Throughout the ten-year Trojan war, Achilles continued to lead Greek soldiers into successful battles. After bloody combats, Achilles would dress his soldier’s wounds topically with Yarrow to promote wound healing, coagulate bleeding, and prevent infections. Yarrow, a flowering plant in the daisy family will become a famous treatment for wound healing during the war by Achilles. To give credit, Achilles’s mentor, the mythological centaur Chiron had taught these treatments to Achilles. He knew the sooner a soldier could heal his wounds and get back to battle, the better chances of winning the war. Because wounds would heal quickly, it would also prevent his soldiers from getting sick and dying from infections. This in turn would show his king and Troy the value in his leadership. The less men Achilles lost in battle compared to other Greek leaders would be substantial. His resilience in his troops would also be intimidating to Troy. Any Troy troop looking to battle Achilles’s men would know few men would die. The sheer intimidation of war resilience would alter their confidence in battle.

To this day, the herb yarrow holds a piece of Achilles in its history. Yarrow’s botanical name is “Achillea Millefolium”, named after its famous Achilles. Today Yarrow has shown to have healthful benefits supporting the digestive system, liver, and gall bladder. A large number of data supports its ability as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capabilities on top of its famous use in wound healing.

Many of us reading this probably already know how this sad story ends (spoiler alert). But for those who don’t keep up with these legends, it doesn’t end well for Achilles. The Greeks claim to retreat Troy and build the Trojans a wooden horse and leave it as a token to Troy. Proud to have won the war, the Trojans joyfully except the gift and bring the horse into the kingdom’s walls. Inside the wooden horse hide Greek soldiers that come out in the night and open the kingdom’s gate to let in the hiding Greek soldiers, who destroy the Trojans and win the war.

Now the legend goes, as a young child, Achilles’s mother dipped him into the mighty river Styx which made him immortal. Therefore, Achilles was untouchable in battles. However, when being dipped into the river, his mother held him upside down by the heal, dipping every part of his body except the heal.

During the attach on Troy after the acceptance of the Trojan horse, Achilles was shot with a poisoned arrow by Paris (Helen’s suitor) in the heal. This was the only place Achilles was not immortal and ultimately led to his death. Helen, the most beautiful woman (whose face launched a thousand ships) ends up back with her original husband, Menelaus. Because Menelaus was married to the daughter of Zeus, he was considered immortal and upon his death continued his life in peace in the afterlife with the gods.


Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Supporting Your Health With The Herb Skullcap


Skullcap has a long and interesting documented history along with other herbs. However, skullcap has been used for many thousands of years prior to documentations. Before the Americanization of these lands, the Cherokee Indians and other Native Americans honored the herb skullcap in ceremonial celebrations for young women entering womanhood. During these ages, Native Americans also, used skullcap’s infusions to combat diarrhea, support kidney health, fight breast pains, and help expel the afterbirth from pregnancy deliveries among other things.

Native Americans became very familiar and knowledgeable with native plants and their medicinal properties as these were the only treatments available for any sickness that was brought to the tribe. Trial and error techniques were used to treat ailments and successful treatments were taught to future generations. Herbs that could bring health to the sick were well remembered and praised. Native Americans would need to identify symptoms and orchestrate an herbal solution that would work or most probably their fellow sick brother or sister of the tribe would potentially die. 


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In the 1700s skullcap was complemented with the name “mad-dog weed” after a doctor named Dr. Van Vanderveer used skullcap to prevent rabies in both humans and animals. He claimed it prevented the infection of over 4000 people and 1000 cattle after being bitten by an infected animal. However, several doctors questioned this treatment and in 1852 the treatment was dismissed by Drs. John King and Robert Newton.

Though, the historic use of skullcap didn’t get the pharmaceutical support at that time, skullcap does have a long history and now has some research to support its healthful benefits. In today’s technological world, scientists can identify specific compounds in herbs and get clarity on their benefits. The Chinese and East Asia have used skullcap for the last 2000 years for diarrhea, dysentery, hypertension, hemorrhaging, insomnia, inflammation, and respiratory complications.

Flavonoids in skullcap such as baicalin, wogonoside, and their aglycones baicalein wogonin are the major bioactive compounds in skullcap and have been studied for their sedative effects on the nervous system. While these studies still need further investigations, these compounds have suggested therapeutic and healthful support towards the nervous system and nervous conditions such as anxiety and nervousness. skullcap's sedative effects may help calm overactive nerves and support relaxation during times of stress.


Thursday, August 12, 2021

Why You Have Hot Flashes During Menopause - And What You Can Do About It


Menopause is a common transition in woman with age. Over time, the woman's body starts to lose interest in child bearing and the reproductive organs start declining in production of hormones estrogen and progesterone.

These hormones are chemical messengers that tell the body to release eggs for fertilizations and allow the woman to become pregnant. These hormones also tell the body how to respond and cater to the pregnancy so the baby is healthy and the woman's body doesn't kill the fetus as it would other invaders.

After menopause, this chemical communication network is no longer needed and the reproductive organs become less active reducing estrogen and progestogen production.  However, the cell tissue that responds to these hormones become out of touch with the body and get confused and seek instructions.

After all, these cells have been consistently told exactly what to do for their entire life and then out of the blue it just stops. It's no wonder these cells scream out with other chemical messengers demanding instructions. It's these silent chemical screams that create hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, loss of calcium and so on.

Just what if there was an herb that had phytoestrogen compounds that could naturally and safely sit in for these chemical messengers and reduce the symptoms of menopause? These phytoestrogens have been discovered in an herb called red clover. 
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Not only was phytoestrogen found in red clover, there were different pre-curses of this compound. Isoflavones: formononetin, biochanin A, genistein, and daidzein were all identified and studied in red clover. Each with unique characteristics and benefits.

These isoflavones bind to estrogen receptors on the cell tissue and minimize the cells outcries for estrogen. In other words the compounds found in red clover were able to sit in for estrogen without actually telling the cell to do anything.

What was even more encouraging with this particular red clover study was the significant difference in the lumbar spine region in those taking red clover vs. the placebo. This indicated that woman going through menopause and taking red clover may have an increase in calcium assimilation.

Red clover also had influence on bone health, inflammatory status, and cardiovascular health in menopausal woman. This is a breakthrough because supplementing hormone replacement therapies like progesterone do help minimize menopausal symptoms but also tell the cell to activate and do something. Many times, these cell activating hormone therapies activate the cell to do something it naturally wouldn't do like turn cancerous.

There is still much research needed on red clover and its healthful benefits. However, it is showing to be a safe and healthful solution in supporting woman going through menopause. 


Click Here To Learn More About Hormones

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Calcium- More Then Just Healthy Bones and Teeth


Calcium is the most used mineral in the body. Its an active electrolyte, an acid/alkaline buffer, a digestive aid, sleep aid and necessary for heart health, brain health, and bone health among so many other things. Calcium is necessary to keep us alive and maintain good health. The U.S. Surgeon General reported in 2004, American bone health is in jeopardy and issued a "call to action" to develop and incorporate a plan to combat the nations calcium deficiencies. Research also, strongly suggests, the kind of calcium we take is just as important as the amount of calcium we need. So, what is the right form of calcium and how much do we need?

Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for men and women ages 19-50 requires a minimum of 1,000 mg of assumable calcium, daily. However, the recommended upper limit is 2,500 mg daily for therapeutic levels or for those who need more. 

Calcium Complex - Save 20% with code - HealthyBones

HoneyCombs Industries uses an algae rich in calcium in a product called Calcom. Most calcium supplements on the market today are sourced from rocks like limestone, corral, or marble deposits. You may also, find synthetic calcium compounded in supplements made in laboratories. These calcium forms can be very confusing for the body and may be harsh during assimilation. Studies published by the British Medical Journals involving thousands of participants suggested these harsh non food calcium's in large quantities can leave calcifying mineral deposits and can clog arteries increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke. Algae calcium is a food source the body fully understands and can easily assimilate and used by the body. According to studies, algae calcium had a 4 fold (400%) assimilation and calcium usability compared to calcium carbonate and calcium citrate supplements it was compared against. HoneyCombs Calcom (algae calcium) is formulated with other calcium rich foods such as oat straw and and kale to compliment easy assimilation and calcium usability without the harsh effects of rock calcium.

Nutrients your body uses with Calcium:

Vitamin D - helps the body absorb calcium.
Vitamin K - drives calcium to where it's most needed.
Magnesium - works with calcium in muscle tissue as an electrolyte and is critical for the formation of strong bones.                   

Calcium is a mineral that cannot be replaced with anything else. The body cannot replace calcium with a drug or other nutrient. If the body does not get calcium for all its necessary chemistries it starts steeling calcium from calcium rich tissue to maintain homeostasis. Over time calcium deficiencies set in and deprive the body of health and function. Don't wait to be another calcium deficient victim warned by the American Surgeon General. Start a calcium regimen today and maintain great health. You cant live without it.  

Watch Calcium Video To Learn More

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Why You Need To Take Care Of Your Gut


There are countless studies on the wide variety of health benefits of probiotics lactobacillus acidophilus. We have all heard of probiotics but what exactly do they do?
You could write a book and create a YouTube channel specifically on the overwhelming health benefits lactobacillus acidophilus have directly and in-directly. Most probiotic studies are specific to Immune support, Digestive support and Intestinal health but there is so much more.

To better understand how probiotics work and to get a real feel of their benefits, we need to focus on the body's cellular activity and needs. Inside your body there is a very specific environmental condition called homeostasis in-which your cells live. Just like you need an environment enriched with oxygen, water, food, warmth, light etc. Your cell tissue need certain environmental conditions to live as well. Imagine your cells living in a toxic, low oxygen, highly acidic, dehydrated environment with, little to no nutrition and oxidizing agents constantly attacking them. In this kind of environment you can imagine, these cells lives are stressed, unproductive and short lived. When a cell dies a new cell is born to take its place. Each cell is weaker then the last because the environment it was born into doesn't have the necessary nutrients to maximize growth or stay clear of the damaging toxins. These cells don't just take up space, they are constantly working to keep you alive and functioning as a whole. These unfavorable conditions make it hard for the cells to properly do that.

3 Products To Improve Healthy Gut Bacteria - Click Here To Shop

It is estimated the typical human body consists of anywhere from 30 to 40 trillion human cells and should have about 40 trillion bacterial cells, in-which we rely on for basic health. So, half the cellular population in your body should be microbial. Most of the weight and mass of your human body is human tissue (much larger cells) and 60% of the body is water (neither human or bacterial). Your body is pumped full of microbial activity and your health depends on the good ones activity. Probiotics (the good bacteria) play very important roles in the immune system, digestive system and intestinal tract health among so many other health benefits. Your cell tissue and healthful bacteria work together in your body creating chemistries that cater to good health.

There are good and bad bacteria which constantly compete for survival and dominance in your body. The winning domination's of these good vs. bad bacteria dictate and influence your entire health. Good and bad bacteria typically don't live together in your body because they require different environmental needs. Many internal bacteria convert food into byproducts secreted into your body. These bacteria live in their own secreted byproducts creating their own environment in-which they thrive in. Good bacteria create an environment your cell tissue also thrives in. Bad bacteria create a completely different environment to live in than what is needed for your cell tissue and good bacteria to thrive. This is why good and bad bacteria do not live together, and also, why your body is either dominated with bad bacteria or good bacterial, but never both.

So, how does HoneyCombs Industries Lactobacillus Acidophilus (probiotic) and prebiotics like Expello-C and Green Barley reshape your entire body and dictate how you feel? It is extremely beneficial to introduce good colonies of bacteria (lactobacillus acidophilus) into the body and then feed them to promote their health and growth. By creating an alkalizing environment full of healthy sulfuric compound and fibrous cellulose will give these Lactobacillus Acidophilus the nutrients, foods and conditions they need to grow rapidly and healthfully in your body. In return this limits harmful bacteria that steal nutrition, stress cell tissue and secrete cell damaging toxins.   

Learn More About Your Digestive System - Watch Video

Friday, February 26, 2021

Hormone Health (Men)


Normally, I am of the belief that what is good for the goose is good for the gander. Health is universal- we ALL need more water, eat more veggies, and get enough exercise… At this point, you know the drill. However, when it comes to our hormones, we are drastically different, we men and women. Men have a 24-hour cycle, women have a 28-DAY cycle. Men are controlled by testosterone, and women are estrogen and progesterone ran. (Although both genders also have all 3, they are obviously in different quantities.)

            A “one-size-fits-all” mentality doesn’t work in this scenario, as we are so drastically different: the times of day we have our biggest spike of energy or when we are the most mentally productive, the list goes on! So, this week we are going to do things a little differently and addressing each properly, so you can get the best information to suit your body!

Testosterone, the hormones tasked with the job in essentially all things “manly”. It’s the hormone that builds muscle, creates a deep voice, erections and sex drive, and is in charge of facial hair production. Fun fact: testosterone is also classified as an anabolic steroid and is what helps build bigger and stronger muscles and improve overall physical performance.  


Supports a healthy Endocrine System - Learn More

            Like the circadian rhythm, men also have a 24-hour hormonal cycle. The testosterone levels vary throughout the day. Testosterone levels are the highest in the morning and the peter off throughout the day. Eating most of your calories, getting your big workouts in and completing your biggest projects in the morning and early afternoon when you have those prime testosterone levels can be components of a very productive day.

As your testosterone levels dwindle during the day, you may find yourself just more lethargic in the evenings and this is perfectly normal; so if you can find the best ways to biohack your body by rearranging your schedule to get those big goals knocked out of the way in the morning, you may find that suddenly your more productive and noticing better results. Your body will replenish those levels in the evening and over-night when you sleep. Alissa Vitti, with MyFLo, even stated during an interview with Dr. Emily, host of Sex with Emily, that things like late night sex may actually be kind of detrimental to your next day as all that testosterone that could have been used for the next day has been spent.

            It may sound a little far-fetched, trying to rearrange your schedule to be respective of your testosterone levels. Your after-work gym sessions may be working just fine, or you don’t have the ability to go at 6am; but just like we talked in Week 4-6 with the gut flora and how important it is to eat to feed your probiotics, if you pay attention and respect these “little” things that actually control way more of your body than you’d think, your body may react in amazing ways you never knew were possible, just by making these tiny tweaks. 

 Supports Healthy Hormone Production - Learn More

            So how do you keep those testosterone levels in check and why is it important. Well let’s start with what happens when you don’t have high enough levels. Fatigue, low sex drive, thinning hair, or even loss of muscle could be indicators that you have a hormonal imbalance and too low of testosterone levels. On the other hand, if you have too much testosterone that can also be a problem! If you look at body builders who are taking steroids or lots of supplements, their muscles may be getting bigger but so is the amount of adult acne they may be having. Acne along with dramatic mood swings, increased breast tissue, and lowered sperm count can also be signs of too much testosterone.

Now the great thing is, there are natural ways to get back into balance! Working out is actually a fantastic way to regulate your hormones, especially if you have the availability to workout in the morning when your hormone levels are at their highest! Rudy Mawer, MSc wrote a piece stating that eating enough of all of your macros (proteins, carbs and fats), minimizing stress, plenty of sunshine and sleep can all help moderate your testosterone levels.

The really cool things about the suggestions he makes is that these all work with everything we have been talking about for the last 23 weeks! Keeping your health in check and taking proactive steps in all of these other aspects of your life will simultaneously help to keep your hormones balanced and helping you really be in that masculine energy and space! 


 Watch Hormone And Endocrine System Video