Tuesday, September 15, 2020

The Trick To Loving Exercise

           This week we are going to talk about movement! The best part about this week is it means all you have to do is move your body, to which there are literally hundreds of ways to do that. Kickboxing, Jui Jitsu, Yoga, Weightlifting, Running, Pilates, Zumba, Tia Chi… the list goes on and on for all the different ways that you can bring movement to your body. 

This week’s homework assignment is to do 30 minutes of exercise for three of the next seven days. If there is something you already enjoy doing, make a diligent effort do that at least every other day. Or if there has been a class you have wanted to join but never quite found the gumption to do so, now’s the time to go for it! It can be something new every time. 

            Working out has a plethora of physical benefits past just looking good! Exercising drops cortisol (which is the adrenals fear and stress response) levels, which if left unregulated can lead to excess weight gain in the stomach. I have personally found that when I am stressed, exercise is not only a good mental reprieve, but it actually makes me feel better- and that is in part due to this cortisol release, allowing you to feel less anxious and stressed.

Exercising will also release endorphins from the pituitary gland, such as serotonin, that make you feel great! Think of the last time you did a real physical work out. Maybe you went for a hike or for a long run with a friend, maybe even helped a neighbor move- at the beginning, it may have been hard to get moving but as soon as you got done you probably felt great, and accomplished!

Now, let’s not overlook the physical benefits either. When you work out and start to notice a change in your physical shape, it’s an amazing feeling. Your clothes fit better, you have more energy, you feel more confident. When we have replenished ourselves and taken the time each day to take care of our bodies, we actually have more to give to those around us. Making time each day to take care of you and your body will give you more confidence and assurance within yourself to do better. Choose a time each day that works for your schedule (even if you have to move other things around to make this work, as it is important) and dedicate that time to yourself to do whatever activity is calling your name that day!

In Limitless by Jim Kwik, he references a study done by the University of British Columbia that found that regular aerobic exercise actually boosts the size of your hippocampus as well, which is the area of the brain used for verbal memory and learning. Kwik goes on to say “But the simple fact is that exercising is enormously valuable if you want to unshackle your brain.” Exercise goes beyond just your physical health; it opens your mind up to so many more possibilities! Take yoga for example, we practice the different postures and flows so we can get our bodies moving and the energy flowing so that when times comes for meditation our brains are ready to engage and focus better. The more you move, the more you allow yourself to learn and grow! 

For those of you who don’t want to get a gym membership, or by accosted by “gym culture”, remember: there is more to exercising than just lifting weights. If you want to go to the gym, but not sure where to start, to see what classes they have available or any studios in your area that offer yoga or Jiu Jitsu. Swimming is another great full body exercise that comes without ever touching a barbell. Even join your local sports teams like softball or a basketball league. There are so many options, so try out something new until you find what you like! I promise, once you start working out and getting exercise, you will notice a difference in your body, your mood and even your sleep!  

I have personally found variety makes my body the happiest. Each morning I take my puppy for a walk, go to the gym and lift weights 4-5 times a week, teach a yoga class twice a week and on the weekends I go hiking in the mountains or paddle boarding on our local reservoir. So, go out and explore new ways to move!

An important remainder, exercise is not just for losing weight. A few weeks ago, we discussed the lymphatic system and that it has no pump of its own and needs physical movement from us to be able to work properly. Or another key aspect of working out is for better cardiovascular health. According to Millionhearts, over 800,000 people die from cardiovascular disease each year, and that is just in the US! With the exception of a healthy diet, the best way to keep your heart in optimum health is through exercise! Not only will it help to lower you blood pressure, but the heart is a muscle, so the more you work it, the stronger you get.  

So, do yourself a favor and GO GET MOVING!! 


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