Thursday, August 20, 2020

Intestinal Detox - Why You Should Start Here

Have you ever noticed after eating a large meal you feel sluggish and bloated, it that your lunch feels as if it is sits in your stomach for hours? What about after a fast food hamburger and even the next morning you wake up with your gut feeling heavy? But on the days you start the morning off with a green juice or a fruit smoothie and suddenly, you feel light all day. These sensations are the way your intestines are reacting to how long it takes them to break down everything you just consumed and then the process of trying to absorb any nutrients it can.  

            To think that everything you put in your mouth should in fact be digested, should be self-explanatory, yes? In reality however, although everything will eventually get digested, to what caliber will your body absorb the nutrients? How much is your body getting out of the food you consume and how well do your intestines absorb that nutrition? This fact alone will drastically change the course of your health.

            “Your health is not what you eat, but what you digest.” Our founder Michael Combs stated. When your gut is unhealthy, all forms of problems manifest elsewhere in your body, as the health of your colon is indicative of your overall heath. An unhealthy colon leads to blockages; and colon blockages can cause everything from bloating and indigestion to constipation- leaving you feeling full and with a heavy gut. Coliids, IBS, various forms of cancer are all responses your body has to an unhealthy colon.

Constipation alone can lead to hemorrhoids and diverticula and diverticulitis, which is when the pouches in your colon get infected and can swell. These can cause serious abdominal pain, and all started just from not having normal bowel movements.

            It’s always scary to look at our own bodies and think “hey, maybe I have a problem here”. It’s almost easier to live with the little discomforts and pretend everything in functioning normally; that is until we are faced with an irrefutable sign, such as cancer, that we have a problem. Having an unhealthy colon is surprisingly easy to ignore. We actually start getting used to feeling just a little bloated much of the time, often finding ourselves having headaches, and not making regular bowel movements. But all of these are signs that our colon isn’t functioning properly.

            The good news is, if we take preemptive care of our colon, we can easily deter these problems from happening later. The best, and exciting part, about taking control of your health now is that not only will you feel better today, you are completely altering the health of your future self and in turn leading to less taxing and possibly deadly health problems. 

            For an optimally healthy colon, you should do one good cleanse a year. Skip the junk food and the heavy carbs and instead go a little crazy on the vegetables and fruits. And be sure to include anything with high amounts of either fiber to really help to flush out any blockages in your colon. Keeping in mind, about 70-80% of your immune system is in your intestines alone. The healthier your able to keep your colon, the stronger fighting chance your immune system will have at protecting your body from pathogens and viruses.

             It’s a sad but true statement, but the value and importance of soluble and insoluble fibers is drastically under taught when it comes to the American diet. As Healthline experts explains the difference between fibers: “Insoluble fiber bulks up your stool and acts like a brush, sweeping through your bowels to get everything out and keep things moving. The soluble variety absorbs water and forms a gel-like substance. This helps your stool pass smoothly through your bowels and improves its form and consistency.” Being sure to include this in your cleanse can literally clean your colon out!

            Alongside fruits and veggies, there are also many herbs and spices that can help support your digestion as well. According to House of Wellness spices such as ginger, turmeric and cinnamon can be fantastic digestive aids. Spicy foods such as jalapenos or red pepper flakes contain capsaicin which reacts with the chemical anandamide in the digestive track leading to less inflammation in the gut.

            And never to be forgotten, drinking LOTS of water. Because much of the water from the foods we eat is absorbed during digestion, we need to drink water to help flush out the rest of the now dry waste, so it doesn’t sit and cause blockages. Not to mention, we are about 55-60% water, so keep yourself hydrated! 

            The average person can have from 5 to 25 pounds of waste just sitting in their gut causing them undue harm and grief. Don’t be just another statistic! Start today taking better steps today to cleanse your health. Eat your fruits and veggies, drink your water, maybe even go from a run and cleanse that gut! Change your intestines, change your health and change your life! Fiber today can save you from hemorrhoids tomorrow.


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